Just a few short years ago I felt trapped. Like the beautiful world was out there, somewhere I couldn't access, somewhere I couldn't see, because I was stuck in my every day. Work. Home. Work. Home. But I woke one day and made the decision. I bought a camera. I set about to learn how to use it. Watched countless videos, devoured dozens of books, and read endless streams of blogs. And I made a simple Master Plan:

Get out from behind the desk.

Go see the world.

Take beautiful photos of what I find.

Recharge my soul.

Then do it again.

Since then, I've traveled across the United States, taking photographs of cities, national parks, and hidden corners of the wilderness. I've taken street photos in Havana and captured Kauai from a helicopter, traveled across Iceland with California surfers in the heart of winter, witnessed majestic icebergs while on a Russian sailboat in Greenland, and toured Dubai with a world renowned fashion photographer.

Along the way, I've made just about every single mistake you can as a beginning photographer: from gear purchases to camera settings to execution of composition. But I've since learned not just how to take a photo exactly how I see it, but how to do it easier. So, if you are on your own journey of learning photography and looking for some guidance, you're in the right place. You may not even own a camera, you may just be using your phone. And that's okay. Some of my favorite photos have been taken with just an iPhone! Or you may be ready to buy a camera, learn how to shoot traditionally. Either way, my goal is to help you get there faster, even easier than I did. To give you the tools to capture the image exactly how you see it with your own eyes. So you keep those incredible scenes you’ve found, and become the creator of your own experiences, your own memories.

And so…

whether you are shooting in the corner of your backyard or epic landscapes abroad, I want to help you capture the scene how you see it, best you can. But above all...

I want to make photography simple for you.

So, if this sounds good to you, join my mailing list for photography tips and tricks, and head on over to my YouTube page, where there are plenty of free tutorials to get you started!

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